Do electronic rodent repellers really work?

In short, ultrasonic pest repellers emit high-frequency sounds that manufacturers say reduce pest infestation in the home, but laboratory testing has shown that most of these devices do not work as advertised, in violation of FTC guidelines. Electronic ultrasonic pest and insect repellent devices claim that their high-frequency sound waves are intolerable to rodents and insects.

Do electronic rodent repellers really work?

In short, ultrasonic pest repellers emit high-frequency sounds that manufacturers say reduce pest infestation in the home, but laboratory testing has shown that most of these devices do not work as advertised, in violation of FTC guidelines. Electronic ultrasonic pest and insect repellent devices claim that their high-frequency sound waves are intolerable to rodents and insects. Ultrasonic pest control devices work to deter rats, mice, and other rodents, including guinea pigs. If you have a guinea pig at home, you should know that it is not free either, since noise can affect it.

Does an electronic rodent repeller work? The electronic rodent repeller does not seem to work in the long term against pests when studied in controlled environments. Although some people use it as a backup to other methods, it doesn't seem to be effective on its own. The evidence is inconclusive as to the real effectiveness of ultrasonic pest control. Some people trust it, while others, including many pest control experts, don't think it works at all.

Scientific evidence suggests that some types of devices work on some types of pests to a certain extent. Thanks to FTC intervention, package statements about ultrasonic devices for rodents and insects are more discreet than they used to be, and many product websites have links explaining their research methods and results. The real reason you may have a problem with rodents has to do with structural problems, which this product alone will not help treat. So, tired of sleeping with the light on, I bought 3 electronic pest repellent accessories of the Bell & Howell brand.

Some are meant to ward off virtually any type of pest, while some ultrasonic devices target specific pests, such as rodents, insects, birds, or deer. According to a BBC article, entomologist Bart Knols states that “there is no scientific evidence that ultrasound repels mosquitoes. A related group of pest control machines, known as subsonic pest repellers, operate in a similar manner and use very low frequency sounds or vibrations. It also allows you to target specific rodents or change high-frequency sounds to further confuse pests.

It would be great if there was an application or computer program that could be used to verify that a repeller is actually transmitting sound. Some owners have noticed an immediate effect at first, but over time the rodent problem will continue to persist. Well, I never had a rat in or around my house as far as I knew, but I felt like it was because I've always had the repellents plugged in. So I knew I needed to do something more permanent to get rid of them and this Best Indoor Electronic Plug in Pest Control is doing a great job, doing what it's supposed to do.

Ultrasonic pest repellers may affect some pets, such as hamsters, rabbits, and other “domestic rodents.” The sound of the ultrasonic device prevents rodents from nesting, settling, or feeding in a particular area.

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